
Alberta’s Minister of Health says it contains “a broad range of perspectives,” — comprised of health care professionals, academics, researchers and advisers,” and it’s recommendations offer a perspective on how the government can be better positioned to protect the health and safety of Albertans in the future.” 

Critics call it “a sad document — that lacks significant credibility,” one that “takes a lot of pieces of information completely out of context.”

On Friday afternoon (Jan. 24, 2025) the government of Alberta quietly released the report of a task force, that assessed the province’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The report — with a budget of $2 million — was commissioned shortly after Danielle Smith swept to power in late 2022, promising to redress the COVID-19 grievances of her supporters.

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith, swept to power, promising to address the COVID-19 grievances of UCP members.

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The task force was chaired by Dr. Gary Davidson, a former chief of emergency medicine at Red Deer Hospital, who, during the height of the pandemic, accused the province of exaggerating Covid-19’s impact, saying the number of hospital admissions were overblown – being manipulated to justify public health restrictions.

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Smith defended Davidson’s appointment saying she wanted to hear a wide range of viewpoints, including from those “shouted down in the public sphere.’

Amongst the other dozen members of the task force was, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, an outspoken critic of American Covid-19 policies, and President Donald Trump’s choice to run the U.S. National Institute of Health.

But Dr. Brian Conway, Medical Director of the Vancouver Infectious Diseases Center, criticized the document saying, “this is a report that is written by individuals who clearly had an agenda, who did not want it to be peer review.”

“Deena Hinshaw (former Alberta Chief Medical Officer) is not involved even as a contributor and as someone who would comment on the report — and she’s the one leading all of the decisions that are made in Alberta. How can you write a report about what happened in Alberta without Deena Hinshaw,” asked Conway.

Critic’s of the Alberta government’s Covid-19 task force, point out that former Chief Medical Health Officer, Dr. Deena Hinshaw, who headed up the province’s pandemic response, wasn’t even interviewed for the report.

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“Some of the key decision makers, who are not in government, but apparently even within government, wouldn’t talk to the task force because I think they felt — and rightly so — that the deck was already stacked against them,” said Mount Royal University Political Science Professor, Dr. Duane Bratt.

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“I think that’s what’s happened here. Like it was a group of people who are selected, who are already known in the public domain to have extreme or fringe views about things like vaccination and about things like, you know, restrictions, public health restrictions,” said Dr. Lynora Saxinger, an infectious disease specialist from the University of Alberta.

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The report is 269-pages long and contains a long list of grievances over the province’s pandemic response.

Among the reports findings and recommendations:

  • It says Alberta should refrain from future mask mandates for respiratory illnesses because, “there is no benefit for masking asymptomatic individuals,” and cites potential harms of masking, such as self-contamination, discomfort, and a false sense of security”;
  • It criticizes the use of lockdowns to control the spread of the disease saying “the stringency of NPIs (non pharmaceutical measures) had a small relative effect on the growth of infections”;
  • It says rapid tests with reasonable accuracy should not be used for screening the general population and “future pandemic responses should prioritize minimizing severe disease and mortality over extensive case detection,”
  • It promotes herd-immunity or “infection-acquired immunity” that it says is “poorly understood” — nothing that during the Athenian plague of 430 B.C. recovered individuals “were never attacked the same way twice – never at least fatally.”
  • It says there needs to be more protection of physician’s right to prescribe and a pharmacist’s ability to promote alternative treatments such as Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, that, in their professional judgement — are in a patient’s best interest; and,
  • It recommends the Alberta government immediately halt the use of all COVID-19 vaccines without full disclosure to patients regarding both the safety and efficacy issues by their physician, saying based on evidence that has emerged to date — most of which was supplied by the vaccine manufacturers — it “cannot be concluded that these COVID-19 vaccines are safe.”

Among the task force’s recommendations is the government of Alberta immediately halt the use of all COVID-19 vaccines because, based on evidence that has emerged to date, it “cannot be concluded that these vaccines are safe.”

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This is completely dangerous,” said Dr. Conway.  “It speaks of the fact that we neglected natural immunity — hybrid immunity. We did not. This was part of the messaging from very early on. It speaks of the vaccine being ineffective. It’s highly effective. Before the clinical trials initial trials report published, we had stated that 50 per cent efficacy in these trials would be something very important — but it was over 80 per cent.

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“It’s taking a lot of pieces of information completely out of context,” said Conway.  “So it’s surprising to me that a document of this type might make it to to the Premier’s office and receive any credibility.”

University of Alberta, Infections Disease Specialist, Dr. Lynora Saxinger, describes the report of the Alberta government Covid-19 task force as “an attempt to rewrite history.”

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Dr. Saxinger describes the report as an attempt to “rewrite history.”

“I have one colleague actually who was on our scientific advisory group who is listed as a contributor who actually asked his name to be withdrawn.”

“If you take it at face value, it would make you really question everything that happened in the pandemic, and I don’t think people should have to do that,” added Saxinger.  “If you assume that the outcome of these recommendations would be kind of more of a U.S. style approach — there would have been, you know, 15,000 deaths in Alberta — and that’s a lot more than we actually saw.”

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Click to play video: 'Alberta premier’s support for COVID vaccine town hall endangers public health experts'

Alberta premier’s support for COVID vaccine town hall endangers public health experts

Speaking on an Alberta podcast on Friday, the Chair of the Task Force, Dr. Davidson defended the panel’s research methods saying  “there’s no such thing as consensus in science — that makes no sense — science is about questioning everything, experimenting and improving whether its true or not… that’s science.”

In a statement to Global News, the office of Alberta’s Health Minister, Adriana LaGrange, said the “Alberta government will review and consider this report and its findings, however, no policy decisions have been made in relation to it at this time.”

&copy 2025 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.

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